Sunday, April 10, 2011

Something on "My So-Called Undeath" that I decided to fill out :)

1. How did you die?
-Decided it would be a great idea to go swimming in the lake at the winter when it was freezing cold.  Huge lake+Winter+Swimming= dumb idea -.- nvr made it to the other side.

2. How long have you been gone?
-A little over 2 months

3. Death age/true age?

4. What do you miss most about being alive?
- I miss being able to taste food man! Hahaha, that and the epic dreams i used to have.

5. What, if anything, is cool about being a zombie?
- I love that I don't have to sleep anymore, gives me more time to read and write, and I love the pale skin tone!

6. How did your family react to you coming back?
- My mom was ticked that I had been so stupid as to do what i had done but accepted me as if i had just almost died and still had a pulse, My dad didn't treat me like I was any different (still had to do my chores lolz) but that was a good thing, My little sister threw a fit about how I'd get more attention than her and refuse to talk to me (she stabs me with needles to make me bleed, just so she can see my blue-ish blood) and my friends thought it was insanely cool and didn't treat me any different.

7. Most humiliating moment as a zombie?
-When some jerk from my math class decided it'd be funny to throw a dart at my back to see if i would react, I didn't notice and when they saw my blue blood on my white shirt, everyone but the teacher freaked and ran out.

8. Visible signs of zombiism?
-I was always pale, but now it's a cool pale, so I just look gothic.  My eyes used to be insanely green, but now they're a lighter shade that I love. My hair used to be so dark, but now it's a light auburn color and I love it!

9. Goals/ambition?
-I want to get all the jerks at my school to see that I'm exactly like them, except that I don't have a pulse, which isn't such a big deal.

10. "If I were alive today, I would..."
- Maybe I wouldn't have taken that midnight swim, but I like life a lot better now...

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